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Selected examples of projects we have worked on

Below is a sample of some of the work we have contributed to that has been publicly released.

Many of our projects have been for internal use within organisations.

Click on the icon to open the document.

Guidelines to the Mental Health Act E-learning Modules

Te Pou 

We worked alongside another consulting company to help develop the content for two e-learning modules. The aim of these modules is to support the workforce to take a more person-centred, human-rights-based approach to situations where the Mental Health Act is used. A third module is now being developed. Click here to read an article about the launch of the modules, which includes a link to access them.

He Arotake ngā Tūraru - Reviewing Risk

Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health

This discussion paper is part of the response to recommendation 35 in He Ara Oranga - the report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction. Click here to read more about the paper, and to download a copy. 

Competencies for Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience Workforce

Te Pou

These competencies are the qualities, skills and values needed to fulfil roles in the Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CPSLE) workforce. 



Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CPSLE) Workforce Development Action Plan 

Te Pou

This action plan sets out what needs to happen to support, grow and develop the Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CPSLE) Workforce. 

Action Plan
Anchor 1

Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CPSLE) Training Needs Analysis 

Te Pou

This report considers the training needs of the Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CPSLE) Workforce. It is based on the CPSLE Competencies, and is part of implementing the CPSLE Workforce Development Action Plan. 


Impact for Otago Youth 

Otago Community Trust 

Otago Community Trust identified youth as one of their strategic priorities. 

This report was commissioned to bring together relevant data and local sector expertise to provide an overview of who young people in Otago are, what work is already happening that can be built on, where opportunities exist and where funding is best targeted. 

This work was completed with another consulting company, Mātāwai Consulting.

Implementing Peer Support in Mainstream Organisations

Corstorphine Baptist Community Trust 

Gemma worked with Corstorphine Baptist Community Trust to evaluate their implementation of peer support, and to provide guidance for how to implement peer support in a non-peer (mainstream) organisation. The public version of the report contains a series of modules for other providers to use to implement/improve peer support services:

Resource module 1: Recruiting and introducing peer support workers

Resource module 2: Communicating clearly about peer support 

Resource module 3: Education, training and development 

Resource module 4: Policy to support peer support workers 

Resource module 5: Workplace wellness 

Resource module 6: Evaluating the effectiveness of peer support.

Disability Rights in Aotearoa New Zealand: Findings Reports.

New Zealand Convention Coalition Monitoring Group

Gemma was contracted to lead a national project of disabled person-led monitoring of New Zealand's implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

This report presents the findings of monitoring interviews with disabled people, and focuses on the themes of participation and poverty. 

This report focuses on the theme of acceptance in society. 

© 2024 changem / Ōtepoti- Dunedin, Aotearoa - New Zealand

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